1939 At War

17th Nov 1939

Postmarked ASKHAM BRYAN YORK P(m) 17 NOV 39
addressed to Lieut. R. Helme, A Coy, 1/6th D.W. R., Church House, Norton, Malton. Yorks.

The Yorkshire Institute of Agriculture, Askham Bryan, Nr. York.


My darling Ronald,

This writing will be ever more abominable than usual, as I am kneeling on the floor and leaning on the bed. The floor is too hard for kneeling, and the bed is too soft for leaning on; but there doesn’t seem to be a better place to write.

I suppose you were shooting at Strensall again today. I was thinking of you getting wet too, and hoping you had your mac and your pullover with you. Have you worn your pullover?

Friday. I didn’t get very far yesterday. Your letter was doubly welcome this morning as I have just had a big bust with the great Joan Wenyen who has even gone so far as to tell me I am ill bred – because I dared to argue. As you can guess, she won’t get off with that; and when she comes wanting to borrow more money there will be nothing doing. She is undoubtedly a bitch! And I expect she has called me the same thing. Women – how I hate them. So petted, so catty, so ridiculous when they are without men. I shall never go anywhere where there are a lot of females again.

Thank heaven I am going home next Saturday with you. I am so pleased you are going to have your leave. It looks fairly certain now. I am simply longing for it. Couldn’t you possibly get off before twelve o’clock. It will seem such an age to wait for you dear.  I do wish it was next Friday. Oh dear, I do want to see you. I’ve never, never, never wanted anything as much. I think I shall burst you when I see you. I keep seeing you coming up the drive in Donald’s car. I’ve been imagining it all month, and now it’s getting clearer and nearer.

Fancy scrubbing out the cow shed this morning. Oh heck. I’m heartily sick of it.

I can understand how you feel about getting me safely back home. I feel that way myself, and I am without a doubt, a real homey bird. I only wish that you were staying at home too. It would be lovely to have you going to the office every day, and taking me out every Saturday night. I would so love the old routine.

Joan has just been in and apolajized so sweetly that my heart has melted. She was very upset about it, and says she didn’t mean the bit about breeding at all, and that she considers me 100% well bred. What a life. I should have lothed having to go about not speaking to her, and I know she is very fond of me. But I am still glad I’m going home soon.

Darling, I’ll have to go and put my over alls on now. Angel how I love you, and when I see you I’ll kiss you till you shrink.

… I’ve just had a filling lunch, and feel much the better of it. We had a strenuous morning doing the cowshed. Not only did we do our usual scrubbing of the floor and swilling, but we had to scrub the walls and do out the food and water troughs. This afternoon we are poultrying again.

I’m going to the concert at Askham Bryan tonight, and I don’t know how I’ll amuse myself during the weekend. I would like to go to the pictures tomorrow. I asked Mum if she could come over and see me on Sunday, but our letters crossed, and her letter informed me that she might be going to Glasgow on Saturday and staying till Wednesday or Friday Thursday. So I don’t really expect anyone will be over.

Mum was asking for you, and I’ve given her your address, but I don’t know whether she’ll find time to write before she goes away or not.

I hope she manages to get away. It would be just like old Marion to throw a fit or something. She had a party on Wednesday, and used all her own china etc. She would be in her element talking about her belongings. Poor guests.

The sun shines in upon me. There was a beautiful sun rise this morning (you wouldn’t know) and when we finished milking we went for a short walk before we came in for breakfast, and the sky was lovely. A difference from yesterday. I had a feeling you might be rained off.

Well Angel boy, I don’t think I have anything else to say except I love you which you know very well. I am willing the week to fly. Although it seems ages since the beginning of the month, I can hardly believe it is nearly the 25th. It seems years since I smiled goodbye from the bus though, and I’m aching to see you again.

Honey, honey, honey, I love you. Kisses, cuddles, caresses, Kay.

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